Integrated Email APIs

Seamlessly connect any of your preferred systems to Enginemailer

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Integrated APIs

Improve business efficiency and streamline process flow with REST APIs

Synchronise Subscriber Information

Synchronise Subscriber Information

Automatically update your Subscribers' information based on events or triggers from your source system. Eliminates manual import process.

Send Transactional Emails

Send real-time emails so that your customers receive exactly what they need at the right time. These emails that are triggered by a specific action or event, such as a new user signup, a purchase, or an abandoned cart.

Send Transactional Emails
Email Campaigns Integration

Email Campaigns Integration

Automate your email campaigns directly from your source system. Create, send and track using ready-made APIs.



quote Signed up and sent my first transaction email within 30 minutes. Perfect 5/5. quote

Never miss a customer with integrated APIs.

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